Take Responsibility for YOURSELF!
Hi Readers, Have you been worrying about if you're on the right path in life? Do your parents or parent figures still have a lot of say in how you live your life? Do you find yourself wondering if what you're doing is meaningful or has a higher purpose when in your heart you know it feels right? If you struggle with feeling like you've grown up but you're not a "Grown-up" Adult then the universe and your life is trying to tell you something: Take responsibility for YOURSELF! In today's reading, a successful artist r eaches out to me for messages from the universe, their life, and the cards about whether or not they're on the right path in life. Here begins the reading: You asked, "Am I on the right path? Am I doing the right things or is there something I shouldn’t be doing?" and this is what the cards had to say: Your biggest fear and distraction in life comes from not trusting that all the answers you need in life are inside of you . There...