Take Responsibility for YOURSELF!

Hi Readers,

Have you been worrying about if you're on the right path in life? Do your parents or parent figures still have a lot of say in how you live your life? Do you find yourself wondering if what you're doing is meaningful or has a higher purpose when in your heart you know it feels right? If you struggle with feeling like you've grown up but you're not a "Grown-up" Adult then the universe and your life is trying to tell you something: Take responsibility for YOURSELF!

In today's reading, a successful artist reaches out to me for messages from the universe, their life, and the cards about whether or not they're on the right path in life.

Here begins the reading:

You asked, "Am I on the right path? Am I doing the right things or is there something I shouldn’t be doing?" and this is what the cards had to say:

Your biggest fear and distraction in life comes from not trusting that all the answers you need in life are inside of you. There’s a part of you that knows who you are and there’s another that thinks you don’t. This means you have a classic "Heart versus Head" situation going on. In your heart, you know who you are, and because of that, you know what you want and what’s for your highest good. But, you have an issue with your head that says, “I don’t know… Is that good?... Will this make me happy?... Am I a good person?... Maybe that’s the wrong thing to do… Am I not going to be successful?... Maybe being an artist is a bad idea…” 

It’s important to know that this switch between head and heart comes from a time in your life when you felt like you couldn’t trust yourself, and I’m getting the impression that this comes from your experience and relationship with your mom. If your mom is the kind of person who will try to control you and your decisions by making you feel like you made bad ones, this would explain why you lack trust in yourself and with the direction of where your life is going. With this in mind, you need to know that if you lack trust then you lack faith. If you don’t TRUST that the decisions you make for your life are the right ones and that they best serve your highest good, then you will lack FAITH that you're on the right path in life. 




If you’re a GROWN-UP who knows it would be ridiculous to let your mom make life decisions for you, then you need to become aware that it’s just as ridiculous to HIDE your decisions from your mom out of fear and avoidance of having to hear her say that you’re making the WRONG ones in her eyes. This is why you’re lacking trust in knowing that you’re on the right path in life because you still care what your mom has to say about your choices and how you live your life. If you want to build up a solid foundation of trust, which will build up a solid foundation of faith, then you need to stop caring about what your mom will think and you need to set boundaries with her and anyone else who makes you feel like you’re not doing the right things in life. Setting boundaries is like working out a muscle. First, you need to practice saying to yourself what you want to say to others. 

For example, try saying this out loud when you're by yourself, “I am not asking for your advice or opinions on my choices and how I live my life. If you do not like what I am doing, then understand that I did not ask you, and I am not open to hearing your opinion.” 

I would highly recommend, right after you finish reading this, to put your hand on your heart and say with your eyes closed, “I am living MY LIFE for me and only I know what is good for me.” 

As you feel the heat from your hand move into your heart while you say this affirmation, know that by acknowledging your heart, you’re giving it back its power! Our heads take over when our hearts have been hurt because it’s a survival instinct. Our HEART feels pain, and when it’s been broken or hurt, we move from our heart to our head because our head will tell us we’ve experienced pain but it won’t let us feel it. From here, we spend a lifetime trying to rationalize our pain because when we’re in our HEAD, we think pain and trauma can be rationalized, when in reality it has to be felt. If you can feel it then you can release it. The good news here is that you know who you are, what you like, and what serves YOUR highest good and only YOU know that! Trust that everything you do, and the decisions you make for yourself, come from a place of knowing that they’re in your highest good and come from your intuition. Trust that even when you make a “wrong” decision, that it’s not wrong, and that you made a choice that will teach you a LESSON that puts you on your authentic path to becoming who you are meant to be. There are no wrong turns on your life path because your path is always moving forward, and while you might not always see what's straight ahead of you, it's because you may need to take a left or a right. Regardless of what you choose, you will end up where you always needed to be, so have trust and faith in that.

Instead of worrying about if you’re on the right path in life, you need to focus on new beginnings. You’ve put so much of your time and energy to get into alignment with your higher self that life is wanting to reward you! On some level that has to resonate with you! You’re not the person you were 10, 5, 3, 2, and 1 year(s) ago! While you might think you’re the same, you can feel inside that you’re different. There’s an energetic shift that’s taken place in you and your life, and it's because you know that what you do and who you are is important. Even if this isn’t something you’re screaming from the rooftop and it’s just a small voice you hear inside, you know, and it’s with this new awareness that life is presenting a grand opportunity to expand your life in a way you haven’t experienced it before. As you have worked to remove your mom’s voice from your mind to replace it with your own, and by getting more in touch with your heart, you’ve opened yourself up energetically to new wealth. This could be a large amount of money that comes into your life, it could be a new job or defining career opportunity, or it’s the manifestation of all your goals that you’ve wanted to achieve. Whichever it is, you’re essentially being told by life, “Hey! You've worked hard on yourself, your goals and dreams that you've wanted to accomplish, so I’m going to give you a hand. I’m giving you a golden opportunity to get what you’ve always wanted, BUT, all I’m giving you is that huge break that you’ve needed. If you want to take this huge break and keep things running, if you want to make THIS happen, then you'll need to keep working on it because I won’t keep it there for you. This is ALL you.” 

This is exciting because what’s coming up for you is something that’s going to show you that you’ve been on the right path, that all this work you’ve been doing hasn’t been for nothing, and life starts to get great because you get some financial help. You’re being asked to keep working on yourself and all your projects because something is coming up for you, and it will be the lucky break that you always wanted. Until that happens, YOU NEED TO BE MINDFUL TO PUT THAT ENERGY OUT THERE, and you need to be thinking, believing, and having trust so you can have faith, that something is coming forward for you. If you have unshakeable trust, which comes from having unshakable faith, then what I’m seeing for you will come true. 

The past experience you need to let go of is the pain and trauma you’ve experienced in your childhood and from your relationship with your mom. This is big. You might just be coming into the awareness that what you’ve experienced in the past wasn't normal, and with that comes feelings of resentment, sadness, and maybe even anger. But, it’s important to remember that no matter how "bad" the past was, it happened to you for a reason, and it was to make you into the person you are today. Who you are and who you’ve become is who you were always meant to be. Take that in for a second. You could think, “If my mom hadn’t  ___________ I could have been ____________, my life would be ___________, I would have had a relationship with _________."

The list with the blanks could go on forever, but you can’t waste your time to make them because they don’t do anything for you except block your energy and drain your life force! Before we come to live our lives on earth, we plan every single second of it on the other side. We pick who will be our family, friends, enemies, love interests, and we do it with the CONSENT of the people who come down to earth to experience our lives together. Nothing you experience or go through in life, good or bad, is by chance or the fault of another person. You picked this life so your soul could experience what it needs to grow, to be more authentic, and to do the work of a higher good. 

With that in mind, take a moment to reflect on your past and think, “Wow, my relationship with my mom taught me ____________ about myself, allowed me to become ______________, opened me up to see my life as an adult like ______________."

There are pros and cons to our experiences, but the “cons” are just lessons you haven’t fully learned, understood, and brought into your awareness. I'm very thankful that whatever you experienced in the past, you experienced, because it made you into the person you are today. You express yourself as an artist because you weren’t allowed to express yourself emotionally in the past, and it’s because of this that you have your mom to thank for your upbringing because it allowed you, opened you up, and created you to be the amazing artist that you are today. One of the most beautiful things about your spirit is that, through all the pain of the past, you’ve found a way through art to express yourself. You took your life and made a stage to express yourself in ways, and for reasons, that you didn’t understand so that you could get to this place in your life right now. You are not what you’ve been through because who you are is how you got through what you’ve been through! You need to stop all the negative self-talk you do, work on releasing pain, and be open to forgiveness. You need to know that you can’t forgive someone else if you can’t forgive yourself, so now is a good time to think about other people or situations that you feel like you’ve done “wrong” and can’t be forgiven for so you can work on forgiving yourself for that. Remind yourself, “If I had known better at that time like I do now, I would have done better." 

Life is all about growing, learning, and not repeating the same mistakes (LESSONS) over again! You need to forgive yourself and trust that you never had bad intentions for the things you might have done that hurt other people. Maybe you weren’t thinking at the time, maybe you were completely unaware of how your behaviour affected someone else, regardless, you need to know that you’d never hurt someone on purpose because that’s not who you are, it's not who you’ve been, and it's not who you'll ever be.

The useful experience that you have is all the healing work you’ve been doing on yourself. The cards show that for a long time you’ve had bad thoughts about who you were as a person, and it’s in this moment in your life that you’re about to have a total breakthrough because of the healing work you’re currently doing. You're being called to detach yourself from the person that you believed you were to be for so long, to let go of all the bad thoughts and feelings you had about yourself, and to trust that who you are has always been who you were outside of those thoughts. You’re in a really interesting part of your life because right now is the time where you’re being forced to deal with yourself, but this is happening for a good reason and it’s for you to move forward into a life that's truly yours, filled with happiness, and success. It’s interesting that you can make so many external things happen for you in your life, but that you lack the willingness, openness, and trust to believe that you can make things happen for you internally. You have the power to manifest and move energy, so work on using your power to remove old thoughts, beliefs, and feelings from inside of you. You might be working on this right now, and that’s great, but you need to do so with a higher consciousness of your power. Believe that you’re powerful and start visualizing all the darkness being cleared up with the light you have inside you because you can make that energetic shift internally as you have been externally. It’s important to know that now is the time to be honest with yourself, to stop keeping secrets, and to stop trying to be someone you’re not with others. Your lack of personal clarity affects how people can experience and see you while being in a relationship with you. Know who you are and put all your trust in that, have faith that doing so will expand your life force, increase your personal power, and release you from all of the darkness you’ve put inside yourself.

What you need to cultivate in your life right now is taking time to pause. This means you need some time to stop doing whatever it is you are doing because who you were when you started doing those things is not the person you’re becoming, so how you did things in the past won’t help you do new things in the future. So much of what hasn’t worked in your life has been because of who you believed you were, and maybe there’s a part of you that feels like you’re stuck doing the same things over with the same reward, which if the reward doesn’t increase and you keep having to use more and more energy… you’re going to face burnout and that’s the last thing you need. I feel like what I wrote in this reading will help you grow your perspective to move forward in your life as a person and your career, and so much of where you will be going, need to go, and want to go is based on you coming into who you are. You can’t do that overnight! It takes time, but more importantly, it takes effort, energy, and consistency. Think about how you’ve been working as an artist for so long and how that has been influenced by who you were at the time. You need to see how your past mindset, internal beliefs, and lack of focused personalized energy/ power were moving you forward but not getting you to a place where you can use and expand your full potential. This is very important because how you’re changing and coming into who you are requires a new mindset, internal beliefs, and a giant increase of focused personalized energy and power to get you to where you need to go. This means you got to change how you think, what you believe, and what your goals are because it’s from here that you’ll create a new action plan, mindset, and energy to move you forward into this path you’re walking on. This requires you to grow up and grow into your own as a grown-up adult! You can’t be naïve and you can’t look to others to give you answers in life anymore. You need to take a pause to step up and move beyond who you thought you were so you can sit comfortably in who you are, and from there you will be unshakable in what you believe and where you’re going in life.

The next step for you looks wonderful and asks you to again, pause, and celebrate how far you’ve come in your life with all the work you've been doing on yourself. Healing work can be draining and it can be emotional, so right now life wants you to start having more fun! You need to get back to the people who love and want to be with you. I see something coming up for you with a new home/ living arrangement and getting into a settled place in your life where you feel like, “Finally, I’m home! It feels good to be here. This is my space" because from here life will get easier for you.

I believe this period in your life comes when you come into your own fully. To say you’ve been on a journey with yourself is an understatement because you’ve been in a silent battle, and the future shows that you’re going to not only win the battle but you’re going to win the war with yourself. This brings great peace. I see you being relaxed and happy, and this is what you’ve been needing and looking for throughout your life. This should be the sign that you get to where you’re going not by luck or by chance, but because you have trust and faith that you deserve this, and you do!

The cards show that you need to get in touch with your inner child and have some fun in your life! Allow your silly, fun, and playful side to come out! Think of this as an “F you” to the darkness you’ve struggled with! If you’ve found yourself struggling to see the bright side of what’s next in your life or the PRESENT, take a moment to pause and have some fun! You need this badly. If you can give yourself a month to be silly, stupid, and let loose, this will do amazing things for your life force as it will recharge you.

Overall, the cards show you getting to a place of great success, like financial independence and living a life of luxury. Now, you might not be a millionaire, but it’s what feels like a life of luxury to you that you’re going to live and have, and it’s going to be amazing! I honestly see you being very happy, free and settled in your environment. You will have a life that’s truly your own and you’ll be at peace because you did it YOUR way.

Wow, you have a lot of great things coming up for you and you'll start to access them when you believe you deserve it! You wanted to know if you are on the right path, if you’re doing the right things or if there’s something you shouldn’t be doing, and the cards show that you’re on the right path in life, that you’ve been doing the right things with your healing work, and what you shouldn’t be doing is getting in your own way! You need to let go of who you think you are, release the pain from the past by allowing yourself to feel it, and then give yourself permission to be someone new. The great thing here is that being “someone new” doesn’t mean you need to change who you are, it means you need to get back to who you are at the core of your being. Let go of the bad thoughts, negative self-talk, bad feelings, bad past experiences, things you don’t forgive yourself for that makes you feel guilt and shame, and start remembering that you’re a good person, that you have all the answers you need in your life because you CREATED this life in every detail, and that you can fully and truly trust yourself to always do the right thing for your highest good. Things will work out for you, but not in the way they always have because that was such a limited perception based on what you believed you deserved and were worth. What’s coming is beyond anything you can imagine, so you need to start doing the work to get into that place where you believe that life is going to be amazing because that’s how it will manifest. Believe in miracles and make a point to start the day with this affirmation, "Today, I will experience a miracle." Don’t forget your power and that you’re POWERFUL because it’s from you harnessing your power that you make the life you want and give yourself the freedom to just be yourself.

Thanks for letting me read the cards for you! If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Here ends the reading

I hope the messages that came through for this person can be applied to you and your life. 

The takeaway here is that we’ve all struggled with feeling like we're only being seen and not heard at one time in our life. This is very common with parents and parent figures because they feel a responsibility to take care of their children, but by being overprotective, they fail to believe or acknowledge that once their kids become grown-up adults, that they've done a good enough job to let their kids live their lives and make their own decisions. Their unsolicited criticisms, judgments, and opinions really aren't so much about you as it is about them. Being a parent is a JOB and this job comes with no boss or a performance review. How can your parents step back and let you live your life if they have no way of knowing that they've done a good enough job? How can they come to terms with you becoming a grown-up if they fear you're still a child they need to take care of? The answer here is simple: YOU NEED TO SHOW THEM. 

If the relationship dynamic with your parents is based on seeing them as your parents and them seeing you as a child, then you need to change how you conduct YOURSELF in your relationship with them. If you're a grown-up adult, then you don't need your parents for things that you can and should be able to handle yourself! At some point in your life, you need to make the conscious and unconscious shift to change the relationship dynamic with your parents to one that makes them your friends. Your friends shouldn't tell you how to live your life and neither should your parents. If they can't grant themselves the freedom to let you grow up, then grant it for them! Give them space, let them have time to themselves, and show them that not only are you busy with YOUR LIFE, but you're busy handling it like a GROWN-UP ADULT. While it's easy to place the blame here on the parents, the reality here is that somewhere deep inside, some of you like being treated like a child, and if you didn't, why would you allow this kind of dynamic to continue? Your answer to this question will be your stepping stone to your independence and your freedom.

Being a grown-up isn't something that comes at a certain age, it comes with the conscious awareness and acceptance that you are personally responsible for yourself, your happiness, and your life! If you still want to feel like a child, then make the choice to be your own parent. When your parents had you, they started a new full-time job that they're almost always bound to do IMPERFECTLY, and have you ever thanked them? If you have yet to thank your parents for a job well-done because they made you into the grown-up adult you are today, then now is the time to thank them! And, you can thank them by letting them know that they can retire. You don't need parents, you need supportive friends. Some of you might find that your parents do better at supporting you emotionally as friends, and some of you will find that your parents aren't, haven't, and will never be supportive at all. The good news here is that you're a Grown-up Adult and Grown-up Adults don't need parents. All a Grown-up Adult needs is the conscious awareness and acceptance that you are personally responsible for yourself, your happiness, and your life!

Thank you so much for reading my blog! My life philosophy about the truth that I talk about is very much who I am and what I believe at the core of my being. Being able to share it with you makes me feel empowered and connected to life, and it's my hope and intention that it will make you feel the same way.  If you're interested in getting a life reading with me, please know that I'm booked up for the next few months, but I will make a post on here or on my social media when I'm free to do more.

Yours truly,

Dylon Reads


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